Poster Presentation Programme

For the second time at the ISKO conference, we are proud to announce a display of posters depicting work on Knowledge Organization from all over the world. The authors of the posters will be available during lunch-time sessions, to discuss the posters and answer any questions.

Author Poster Title
Ohla Buchel How georeferences in library classifications and bibliographic attributes in MARC can be used to crystallize knowledge about library collections?
Yan Cimon The organization of knowledge flows in social networks.
Mabrouka El Hachani, Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Mohamed Hassoun Evaluating user satisfaction of online multilingual terminological resources.
Gudrun Johannsen A web-based tool to manage multilingual thesauri: the example of AGROVOC.
Heejin Park Classificatory approach to understanding a folksonomy: The case of Connotea.
David M. Pimentel Knowledge organization in collaborative online environments.
Rosa San Segundo A brief explanation of epistemology opens for the organisation of digital knowledge.
Sergey Zherebchevsky, David Jank, Michiko Tanaka, Nicolette Ceo, Richard P. Smiraglia, and Stephen Stead Classifying information objects: An explanatory ontological excursion.
Diane Vizine-Goetz, Julianne Beall DeweyBrowser and multilingual access.
Luana Maia Woida Informational culture focused on competitive intelligence: Study about the relation between people, information and communication technologies.
Baharak Yousefi All indexing is wrong; some indexing is useful: Social tagging in libraries.
Maryam Zakerhamidi Information retrieval in non-English web searching: An experiment on the Persian medical portals.
Yin Zhang, Athena Salaba User study of searching for moving images: Implications of system design for library online catalogs.