Poster Guidelines

Poster content and layout

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Posters will be set up on boards measuring 180cm wide by 120cm high. We will supply pins, clips, tape, etc. as required to fix posters on the display boards.

A clear typeface must be used and lettering should be legible from a distance of 3 meters. The use of graphs and illustrations is strongly recommended.

The background of the poster may be any colour, so long as there is a strong contrast between background and lettering. The boards will be white or blue.

Simplicity is the key. In the body of the poster, keep the number of words to a minimum. Arrange the elements in a logical sequence: introduction or statement of the problem, objectives of the research project, methodology, major findings or outcomes, interpretation or significance, conclusions. Make it clear in which order the poster should be read by using numbers, arrows, etc. A landscape setting, rather than portrait setting, is recommended.

The language of the poster is English.

Title, author's names and affiliations must appear clearly at the top of the poster.

A visit to the following sites is recommended; they provide useful information on how to prepare posters for maximum impact:

Poster session

The poster session has been planned for Thursday, August 7. Posters will be set up in the morning. Poster presenters must be available from 12h00 to 13h30 to answer questions, provide details and receive comments and suggestions; at least one of the authors must be present at all time during this period.

All materials must be prepared in advance. We will not print posters or copy handouts, and posters will not be accepted electronically.

It is an excellent idea to provide handouts and business cards for interested people to take away. There will be extra space on the boards for hanging envelopes or pockets containing handouts.

No electrical support or network access will be provided in the poster area.


Complementary information

Poster authors who will be present on site must register for the conference.

A list of poster titles and authors' names will be set up on the Conference web site. Abstracts will not be printed in the Proceedings.
